Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much — Helen Keller
The last few weeks I have been thinking about how fundamental it is for strong and effective communication and collaboration methods in a team. There are so many quotes in the spirit of team work, however, the one I want to quote is by Helen Keller.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
She was many things — a suffragette (fought for the right for women to vote), advocated for people with disabilities and along with many other causes. She was and continues to be a role model to us all, inspiring us to fight for what is right. I admire many things about her, the one story in particular I remember is when a publisher refused to print her articles on these topics, but she didn’t give up. She protested until her work was published. It reminds me of my mantra to fight the good fight.
The inspirational quote is one that I want to get a poster of and stick on my wall. It reminds me of how all the little things you do over time matter, but how us working together is most important. You can only achieve so much on your own.