Friday good reads:
2 min readSep 27, 2024
It’s the end of the week and I have set some time to do some learning, so reading some articles. So here are my learnings:
- Leaders need to have humility — I read this article on how leaders need vulnerability not bravado. I’m not talking about vulnerability as a weakness but as a superpower. How you can lead and set an example by such things as, acknowledging mistakes, welcoming feedback, being honest about struggles and asking for help when needed.
- Imposter syndrome — oh we all know this one. That little monster in your head that eats up all the positive thoughts. This article talks about three tips to take monster i) cold hard facts — look at your CV ii) remind your imposter monster that you’re in good company iii) parent your imposter monster like the child she is.
- How is Your Business Culture in this article was a good read. There is a set of questions in this that are very thought provoking. One in particular that I’m working hard on is “Am I organized with a clear direction for the team?”. Recently I have written down a set of deliverables for us as a team to work on that is helping to drive focus. With lots going on I find it is important to drown out the noise and create something to aim for.
- Women leaders make work better in this article. It states a shocking statistic that only 10% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women. There are four key tips mentioned to help advance more women into leadership 1)identify potential leaders early 2) establish mentorship and sponsorship programs 3) support women in joining women led professional organizations 4) Focus on ally ship.
- Women in software testing in this article. It has a link to the global gender report highlighting the low percentages of women in the STEM workforce, entry levels, senior positions and managerial or directory roles. This is disappointing to read. Although the article goes on to talk about the history of women’s role in agile software testing.
What have you been reading and learning this week?