Women in Testing/Tech
I sent a tweet out to ask “I want to read some blogs/books by women in testing/tech. What have you got for me?”. This is what the wonderful twitter world came up with. This blog post captures all of this information.
- Lena (Pejan) Wiberg http://testing.pejgan.se/
2. Nicola Lindgren http://nicolalindgren.com
3. Jenna https://jenna-tests.proseful.com
4. Angela http://angelariggs.github.io
5. Ashley https://ashleygoestogradschool.tumblr.com
6. Jen Kitson https://jenkitson.wordpress.com
7. Melissa Benua https://queenofcode.net
8. Alex Schladebeck https://schladebeck.de
9. Karo Stoltzenburg https://putzerfisch.wordpress.com/
10. Cassandra https://www.cassandrahl.com/
11. Gitte Klitgaard http://nativewired.com
12. Claire Reckless https://ministryoftesting.com/dojo/lessons/the-one-page-test-plan…
13. Jess http://jessingrassellino.com
14. Brittany Stewart https://brittanystewart.tech
15. Yogita https://yogitalad.blogspot.com
16. Constance https://theartfultester.com
17. Yevheniia Hlovatska https://medium.com/wix-engineering/team-as-a-key-to-agile-quality-f0a0d170af82…
18. Heather Reid heatherreiduff.com
19. Crystal https://crystalprestonwatson.com/
20. Maaikees https://maaikebrinkhof.nl
21. Laveena https://laveenaramchandani01.medium.com
22. Georgia Bloyce https://georgiabloyce.tech.blog
23. Lina Zubyte https://qualitybits.tech
24. Marie Drake https://www.mariedrake.com/
25. Lisi Hocke https://www.lisihocke.com/?m=1
26. Swanny http://girlsngadgets.com
27. Beth Marshall https://beththetester.com/
28. Louise Harney https://harneytester.wordpress.com/author/harneytester/
29. Erin Hess https://erin-hess.medium.com
30. Jenny http://jennydoesthings.com
31. Louise Gibbs https://louisegibbstest.wordpress.com,
32. Emna https://emnaayadi.com/
33. Maaret https://visible-quality.blogspot.com/?m=1
38. @DrSEldh
39. @techgirl1908
40. @nicolefv
41. Suman Bala — https://twitter.com/sumanbala867
42. Natalia https://dev.to/anfibiacreativa
43. Read “99 Bottles of OOP” by @sandimetz and Katrina Owen https://sandimetz.com/99bottles
44. Anne Marie Charrett https://www.annemariecharrett.com/
45. Sam bughuntersam.com
46. Ursula http://testhexen.de/
- Full Stack Testing by @gaya3manoj https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/full-stack-testing/9781098108120/
- The Complete Software Tester — @KristinJackvony
- @katrinaclokie ‘ s book https://leanpub.com/testingindevops
- Agile Testing Condensed (and their non condensed siblings) by @lisacrispin and @janetgregoryca
- The Manager’s Path by @skamille is fantastic
- @LenaPejgan made a book Would Heu-Risk it? https://leanpub.com/wouldheuriskit
- @mpoppendieck — wrote Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit. She has made such a huge contribution to how we all work. http://poppendieck.com/people.htm
- Explore It by Elizabeth Hendrickson
- Agile retrospectives by Esther Derby
- The Standout developer by Randall Kanna